Preferred Savings
- Personal or Business Account
- $100.00 Minimum Opening Deposit
- All balances earn interest (contact us for current rates)
- Interest begins to accrue on the business day you deposit noncash items (checks)
- 1 FREE Withdrawal per month – additional debits will each incur a $5.00 charge
- No service charge with daily $100.00 minimum balance
- Only $1.00 monthly charge if daily balance falls below $100.00
- Easy-to-balance Quarterly statements
Transaction Limitation:
You may make one (1) in person withrdrawal(s) from your account every month.
A per debit fee of $5.00 will be imposed for each withdrawal over the one (1) per month limit.
In addition to the one (1) in person withdrawal allowed per month the Bank allows six (6) electronic transfers per month.
An Excessive Item Fee of $5.00 will be charged for each excessive transfer over the six (6) allowed by the Bank.
If you routinely exceed these limitations, the Bank may close the account or convert it to a checking account.
For those customers who maintain a higher minimum balance, we recommend our Money Market account. Students may be interested in our Student Savings account.
- Related Pages
- Checking
- Savings
- Order Checks
- Other Services

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